BASKET: you've gathered the following items .... |
# nr | author | title | qty | price | total | rem |
7604 | Baalman | Architectuur in Nederland. | 1 | 55,-- | 55,-- | rem |
7069 | Graatsm | Glaspaleis Schunck / Schunck's Glass P | 1 | 135,-- | 135,-- | rem |
8570 | Gohr, S | Frederick J. Kiesler. Selected Writing | 1 | 65,-- | 65,-- | rem |
5585 | Giedion | Space, Time and Architecture. The Grow | 1 | 85,-- | 85,-- | rem |
6700 | Bradley | The Buildings of England. London 1: Th | 1 | 70,-- | 70,-- | rem |
4040 | Groenma | De bestaansbronnen der gemeente Renkum | 1 | 20,-- | 20,-- | rem |
book-total in € | 430,-- | |||||
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