Balajka, Petr
Prager Jugendstil.
Praha, ASCO d.i. Praha. Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x16, (32) pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Balen, C. L. van
De blijde inkomst der renaissance in de Nederlanden.
Leiden, A.W.Sijthoff's uitgeversmaatschappij N.V., 1930. Original printed cloth (slightly soiled), 26x19, 109 pp, illustrated.
€ 95,-
Bánki, Esther
De 'bauhäuslerin' Zsuzska Bánki 1912 -1944. (Unpublished thesis by Esther about her aunt Zsuzska, extremely rare and interesting. Doctoraalscriptie Kunstgeschiedenis der Nieuwere Tijden, Faculteit der Letteren, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, scriptiebegeleider drs. R. Manheim)
Nijmegen, Esther Bánki, n.d. (ca 1992). Plastic wrappers, 30x22, 72 pp (printed on one side only), illustrated.
€ 200,-
Barbieri, S. Umberto
Aldo Rossi. Opera Grafica 1973 - 1992. (Rare. Nederlandse en Engelse tekst. Preface by A. Ferlenga
Amsterdam, Studio di Architettura, 1991. Stapled printed wrappers, 21x21, 36 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
Barbieri, Umberto / Brouwers, Ruud
John Körmeling. Architectonische constructies.
Rotterdam, Stichting Rotterdam Maaskant / Uitgeverij 010, 1986. Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x21, 51 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
Bardi, P.M.
Profile of the New Brazilian Art. (incl a 28 pp contribution on the new architecture.)
Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Kosmos Editora, 1970. Cloth with original dustwrappers (damaged), 30x25, 160 pp (dedication on first free endpaper), profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Barnard, Julian
The Decorative Tradition.
London, The Architectural Press, 1973, first published. Cloth with original dustwrappers, 26x20, 144 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-
Baudson, Michael
Art & Time.
London, Barbican Art Gallery, 1986, exhibition catalogue. Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 62, illustrated.
€ 15,-
Bax, Marty
Bauhaus Lecture Notes 1930 1933. Ideal and practice of architectural training at the Bauhaus, based on the lecture notes made by the Dutch ex-Bauhaus student and architect J.J. van der Linden of the Mies van der Rohe curriculum.
Amsterdam, Architectura & Natura Press, 1991, standard edition. Original printed boards, 28x22, 94 pp (36 pp insert dutch translation), illustrated.
€ 55,-
Beeren, Wim / Gould, Claudia / Tazzi, Pierluigi
MarblePublic. (text in dutch & english. exhibition catalogue originally meant as an exhibition by itself, mainly with worksdevoted to interior compilations)
Amsterdam, MarblePublic - Fortuyn /O'Brien, 1991, limited edition 1000 copies, exhibition catalogue. Original stamped/ screwed boards, 22x30, 135 doublefold pp printed on one side only, profusely illustrated.
€ 95,-
Beeren, Wim / Mignot, Dorine / et al
U-ABC.Schilderijen Beelden Fotografie uit Uruguai Argentinië Brazilië Chili. Paintings Sculpture Photography from Uruguay Argentina Brazil Chile. (catalogue design by Anton Beeke).
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 1989, exhibition catalogue, series: sm-catalogue nr, 730. Original printed stiff wrappers, 28x23, 136 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Behal, Vera J.
Moebel des Jugendstils. Sammlung des Oesterreichischen Museums fuer angewandte Kunst.
München, Prestel Verlag, 1981, series: Materialien zur Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts, Band 29. Boards with original dustwrappers, 25x24, 358 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 110,-
Beijeren, Geert van / Elk, Ger van / et al
Ger van Elk.
Rotterdam, Museum Boymans van Beuningen, 1980, exhibition catalogue. Original printed wrappers, 21x27, 96 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Beijeren, Geert van / Kapteyn, Coosje
Sonsbeek 71. Sonsbeek buiten de perken deel 1 en 2. (typographic design by Wim Crouwel et al / Total Design).
Arnhem, Stichting Sonsbeek, 1971. Orginal printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 231 / 96 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Bendien, J. / Harrenstein-Schräder, A.
Richtingen in de hedendaagsche schilderkunst.
Rotterdam, W.L.& J. Brusse's uitgeversmaatschappij, 1935. Original printed cloth (spine worn / loss of letters / slightly foxed), 29x19, 149 textpp / 39 photopp.
€ 70,-
Benjamin III, Lloyd W.
The Art of Designed Environments in The Netherlands.
Amsterdam, Stichting Kunst en Bedrijf, 1983. Original printed stiff wrappers, 28x22, 176 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Béret, Chantal (introduction)
Frederick Kiesler. Artiste - architecte.
Paris, Edittions du Centre Pompidou, 1996, exhibition catalogue, series: Monographie. 31x22, 272 pp, illustrated.
€ 70,-
Berg, Antoine / et al
Ruimtelijk beeld - Spatial Image - Image spatial - Raum/Bild (Not in trade. spatial image is the second in a series which will be published by Koninklijke Akademie voor Kunst en Vormgeving and Biblo Offset Printers and was distributed as new years present)
's Hertogenbosch, Koninklijke Akademie voor Kunst en Vormgeving, 1977. Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 48 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
Bertrand, Co / Graatsma, William PARS
Aad de Haas. De schilderingen en kruiswegstaties in de Sint Cunibertuskerk te Wahlwiller.
Nuth, Rosbeek, 1996, series: goodwill reeks Rosbeek, 40. Original printed stiff wrappers, 20x20, 46 textpp / 48 folded & doublefolded coloured pp, profusely illustrated, typography by: Homan, Reynoud.
€ 65,-
Besson, George
Couleurs des maitres, 1900-1940.
Lyon, Les Editions Braun & C1e, 1942. Original boards, 27x22, (16) textpp / 24 colourplates (1 plate slightly damaged), profusely illustrated.
€ 10,-