Original covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazine
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all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified.....more
click to enlarge: Heuvel, Dirk van den (editor) De Nijl Architecten: 'Als we huizen bouwen, praten en schrijven we'. 10756
Heuvel, Dirk van den (editor)
De Nijl Architecten: 'Als we huizen bouwen, praten en schrijven we'.
Rotterdam, De Nijl Architecten / NAI uitgevers, 1998.
Original printed wrappers, 23x17, 129 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
Hildebrand, Grant
The Wright Space. Pattern and Meaning in Frank Lloyd Wight's Houses.
Seattle, University of Washington Press, 1991.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 25x27, 192 pp, illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Hildebrand, Grant The Wright Space. Pattern and Meaning in Frank Lloyd Wight's Houses.
click to enlarge: Hilderbrandt, Donald F. / et al cost effective site planning. Single Family Development. 7720
Hilderbrandt, Donald F. / et al
cost effective site planning. Single Family Development.
Washington, National Association of Home Builders, 1976, second printing.
Original printed cloth (slightly damaged/unsewn), 28x22, 143 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Hillier, Rob
Let's buy us a terrace house.
Sydney/London, Ure Smith, 1968, second impression.
Boards with original dustwrappers (slightly soiled), 23x19, 125 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
click to enlarge: Hillier, Rob Let's buy us a terrace house.
click to enlarge: Hilling, John Plans & Prospects. Architecture in Wales 1780 - 1914. 7899
Hilling, John
Plans & Prospects. Architecture in Wales 1780 - 1914.
Cardiff, Welsh Arts Council, 1975, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 100 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Hirdina, Heinz (introduction)
Neues Bauen Neues Gestalten. Das neue Frankfurt / die neue stadt. Eine Zeitschrift zwischen 1926 und 1933.
Dresden, Verlag der Kunst, 1991, (1984) zweite Auflage.
Printed cloth with original dustwrappers, 23x21, 391 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 110,-
click to enlarge: Hirdina, Heinz (introduction) Neues Bauen Neues Gestalten. Das neue Frankfurt / die neue stadt. Eine Zeitschrift zwischen 1926 und 1933.
click to enlarge: Hlavacek, Otakar / Kouba, Miroslav Gespräche über Bauen und Wohnen in der Tschechoslowakei. 8654
Hlavacek, Otakar / Kouba, Miroslav
Gespräche über Bauen und Wohnen in der Tschechoslowakei.
Prag, Presseagentur Orbis, 1988.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 23x17, 245 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
Hodgson, Fred T.
Practical Bungalows and Cottages for Town and Country. Perspective views and floor plans of three hundred low and medium priced houses and bungalows.
Chicago, Frederick J. Drake & Company, 1916, (1912).
Original printed cloth, 19x13, 8 / viii/ (ca 400) pp (first free endpaper cut out), profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
click to enlarge: Hodgson, Fred T. Practical Bungalows and Cottages for Town and Country. Perspective views and floor plans of three hundred low and medium priced houses and bungalows.
click to enlarge: Hoffmann, Herbert Neue Villen und Kleinhäuser. 91 kleine und gröszere Ein- und Zweifamilienhäuser in 202 Ansichten und 172 erläuterten Grundrissen und Schnitten. 5483
Hoffmann, Herbert
Neue Villen und Kleinhäuser. 91 kleine und gröszere Ein- und Zweifamilienhäuser in 202 Ansichten und 172 erläuterten Grundrissen und Schnitten.
Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann Verlag, 1937, sechste Ausgabe, series: Haus und Raum, Band 1.
Original printed wrappers, 29x23, 92 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Hoffmann, Kurt
Neue Einfamilienhäuser. Zweite Folge. New Small Houses. Second Series. Maisons Individuelles. Deuxième Série.
Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann Verlag, 1962.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 30x22, 139 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 125,-
click to enlarge: Hoffmann, Kurt Neue Einfamilienhäuser. Zweite Folge. New Small Houses. Second Series. Maisons Individuelles. Deuxième Série.
Hoffmann, Kurt / Griese, Helga
Stuttgart, Julius Hoffmann, 1974.
Cloth with original dustwrappers (slightly damaged), 29x23, 160 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
Holliday, C. (architect)
The new town of Stevenage. An illustrated account of the planning and building of a new community of 60,000 people.
Stevenage, The Stevenage Development Corporation, 1950, 2nd edition (1949).
Boards with original printed dustwrappers (damaged), 25x19, 52 pp, illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Holliday, C. (architect) The new town of Stevenage. An illustrated account of the planning and building of a new community of 60,000 people.
click to enlarge: Holzbauer, Wilhelm Michel de Klerk. Eigen Haard Housing, Amsterdam, 1913 - 1919. Apartment Blocks, Henriette Ronnerplein, Amsterdam, 1920 - 1921. 8387
Holzbauer, Wilhelm
Michel de Klerk. Eigen Haard Housing, Amsterdam, 1913 - 1919. Apartment Blocks, Henriette Ronnerplein, Amsterdam, 1920 - 1921. (photography by Yukio Futagawa).
Tokyo, A.D.A. Edita, 1980, first published, series: GA Architecture, 56.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 26x37, (48) pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 100,-
Hoyet, Jean - Michel (editor)
Architectures du Logement - modes de vie / Housing Architecture - lifestyles.
Paris, Editions Reginex, 1989, exhibition catalogue, series: Europan.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 204 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Hoyet, Jean - Michel (editor) Architectures du Logement - modes de vie / Housing Architecture - lifestyles.
click to enlarge: Hudson, Rex / et al New Homeplan '67. 12470
Hudson, Rex / et al
New Homeplan '67. (plans for building a house, with special articles on building products and equipment, hints for maintenance and construction).
London, New Homes Press, 1967, series: Group 9 Design Series.
Original printed wrappers (slightly used), 28x22, 78, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Huijts, C.S.T.J.
de ontwikkeling van de middendelflandse boerderij. een onderzoek in het kader van de reconstructie van Midden-Delfland.
Maasland, Bureau van Uitvoering Midden-Delfland, 1984.
Original wrappers (slightly discoloured), 30x21, IX / 85 / (34) pp, illustrated.
€ 65,-
click to enlarge: Huijts, C.S.T.J. de ontwikkeling van de middendelflandse boerderij. een onderzoek in het kader van de reconstructie van Midden-Delfland.
click to enlarge: Huisman, Jaap / et al Honderd jaar wonen in Nederland 1900 - 2000. 6954
Huisman, Jaap / et al
Honderd jaar wonen in Nederland 1900 - 2000.
Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 2000.
Original printed boards, 24x18, 256 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Hundertwasser / Schmied, Wieland
Das Haus Hundertwasser. Natur- und Menschengerechteres Wohnen, Architektur der Hoffnung.
Wien, Magistrat der Stadt Wien, 1974.
Original decorated cloth (spine discoloured), 31x25, 320 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 175,-
click to enlarge: Hundertwasser / Schmied, Wieland Das Haus Hundertwasser. Natur- und Menschengerechteres Wohnen, Architektur der Hoffnung.
click to enlarge: Hurtt, Steven / McDermott, John J. / Miller, Nory (introduction) Modern Houses in America. A Critical View of Modern American Houses. 6799
Hurtt, Steven / McDermott, John J. / Miller, Nory (introduction)
Modern Houses in America. A Critical View of Modern American Houses.
Tokyo, Process Architecture Publishing Co., 1978, series: Process Architecture, nr. 7.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x22, 216 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
IFHP / FIHUAT / et al
Portugal: Monographies de Secteur. Fédération Internationale pour l'Habitation l'Urbanisme et 'Aménagement des Territoires, Congrès de Lisbonne - mai 1983. Caracteristiques et politiques du secteur de l'habitation, urbanisme et construction au Portugal.
Lisbonne, IFHP / FIHUAT, 1983, congress papers.
Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 30x21, ca (350) pp, illustrated.
€ 80,-
click to enlarge: IFHP / FIHUAT / et al Portugal: Monographies de Secteur. Fédération Internationale pour l'Habitation l'Urbanisme et 'Aménagement des Territoires, Congrès de Lisbonne - mai 1983. Caracteristiques et politiques du secteur de l'habitation, urbanisme et construction au Portugal.
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