Original covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazine
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all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified.....more
click to enlarge: Saylor, Henry H. Bungalows. Their design, construction and furnishing, with suggestions also for camps, summer homes and cottages of similar character. 8929
Saylor, Henry H.
Bungalows. Their design, construction and furnishing, with suggestions also for camps, summer homes and cottages of similar character.
New York, Robert M. McBride & Company, 1917, (1911) third edition.
Original decorated cloth (worn, soiled), 26x19, 206 pp (weak spine, flyleaves foxed), profusely illustrated.
€ 165,-
Schade, Carol
Woningbouw voor arbeiders in het 19de - eeuwse Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Van Gennep, 1981, series: bouwen / ontwerpen.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 21x15, 232 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
click to enlarge: Schade, Carol Woningbouw voor arbeiders in het 19de - eeuwse Amsterdam.
click to enlarge: Schallenberger, J. / Kraffert, H. Berliner Wohnungsbauten aus öffentlichen Mitteln. Die Verwendung der Hauszinssteuer-Hypotheken. 12074
Schallenberger, J. / Kraffert, H.
Berliner Wohnungsbauten aus öffentlichen Mitteln. Die Verwendung der Hauszinssteuer-Hypotheken.
Berlin, Bauwelt Verlag, 1926.
Clothbacked printed boards (seriously discoloured), 30x22, 121 pp (occasionally foxing), profusely illustrated.
€ 120,-
Scheen, Chris / Hulsbos, Leen / Haan, Hein de
10 jaar projekt. Ontwerpen in de stadsvernieuwing.
Delft, Faculteit Bouwkunde vd TH Delft, 1987, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers (unsewn), 30x21, 51 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 25,-
click to enlarge: Scheen, Chris / Hulsbos, Leen / Haan, Hein de 10 jaar projekt. Ontwerpen in de stadsvernieuwing.
click to enlarge: Scheffran, Barbara / Marenk, Gisela Arbeiterwohnen: Ideal und Wirklichkeit. Zur Geschichte der Möblierung von Arbeiterwohnungen 1850 - 1950. 11461
Scheffran, Barbara / Marenk, Gisela
Arbeiterwohnen: Ideal und Wirklichkeit. Zur Geschichte der Möblierung von Arbeiterwohnungen 1850 - 1950.
Dortmund, Museum der Stadt Dortmund, (ca 1980).
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 123 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Schmidt-Clausing, Fritz
Geschichte des Hansa-Viertels.
Berlin, Druckhauses Tempelhof, n.d..
Original printed wrappers (slightly discoloured), 24x21, 29 pp, illustrated.
€ 45,-
click to enlarge: Schmidt-Clausing, Fritz Geschichte des Hansa-Viertels.
click to enlarge: Schmitthenner, Paul Baugestaltung. Erste Folge: Das deutsche Wohnhaus. 10297
Schmitthenner, Paul
Baugestaltung. Erste Folge: Das deutsche Wohnhaus.
Stuttgart, Konrad Wittwer Verlag, 1950, (1932) dritte Auflage.
Cloth with original dustwrappers (slightly damaged), 31x24, 186 pp (endpapers slightly foxing), profusely illustrated.
€ 125,-
Schmon, L.
My swiss chalet / Unser CHalet / Nouveaux Chalets Suisses.
Winterthur, Publishers Schoenenberger, 1964.
Original printed wrappers (slightly soiled), 29x21, 82 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Schmon, L. My swiss chalet / Unser CHalet / Nouveaux Chalets Suisses.
click to enlarge: Schoonbrodt, Rene Sociologie de l'Habitat Social. Comportement des habitants et Architectures des cites. 9208
Schoonbrodt, Rene
Sociologie de l'Habitat Social. Comportement des habitants et Architectures des cites.
Bruxelles, Editions des Archives d'Architecture Moderne, 1979.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 21x19, 347 pp, illustrated.
€ 85,-
Schuitema, Paul / De 8 en Opbouw
Praeadvies uitgebracht door de ver. arch. kern "de 8" te Amsterdam en de ver. "opbouw" te Rotterdam over: Organische woonwijk in Open Bebouwing. (design titlepage/photomontage by Paul Schuitema).
Amsterdam, Nederlandsch Instituut voor Volkshuisvesting en Stedebouw, 1932, series: uitgaven NIVS, XXXV.
Original printed wrappers (slightly damaged/discoloured), 24x18, 24 pp, illustrated, typography by: Schuitema, Paul.
€ 300,-
click to enlarge: Schuitema, Paul / De 8 en Opbouw Praeadvies uitgebracht door de ver. arch. kern
click to enlarge: Schuster, Franz Der Bau von Kleinwohnungen mit tragbaren Mieten. The building of small dwellings with reasonable rents. La construction de petits logements à loyers abordables. 12321
Schuster, Franz
Der Bau von Kleinwohnungen mit tragbaren Mieten. The building of small dwellings with reasonable rents. La construction de petits logements à loyers abordables. (rare)
Stuttgart, Verlag Julius Hoffmann, (n.d. ca 1930).
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 130 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 225,-
Schwab, Alexander
Das Buch vom Bauen. 1930 - Wohnungsnot, Neue Technik, Neue Baukunst , Städtebau aus sozialistischer Sicht.
Düsseldorf, Bertelsmann Fachverl., 1973, series: Bauwelt Fundamente, nr 42.
Original printed wrappers, 19x14, 208 pp, illustrated.
€ 40,-
click to enlarge: Schwab, Alexander Das Buch vom Bauen. 1930 - Wohnungsnot, Neue Technik, Neue Baukunst , Städtebau aus sozialistischer Sicht.
click to enlarge: Schwagenscheidt, Walter Die Nordweststadt: Idee und Gestaltung. The Nordweststadt : conception and design. 11094
Schwagenscheidt, Walter
Die Nordweststadt: Idee und Gestaltung. The Nordweststadt : conception and design.
Stuttgart, Karl Krämer Verlag, 1964.
Original printed boards (spine slightly damaged), 22x23, 94 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Schwarze, Wolfgang
Wohnkultur des 18. Jahrhunderts im Bergischen Land.
Wuppertal-Barmen, Verlag Schwarze & Oberhoff, 1964.
Orginal decorated boards, 30x21, 176 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Schwarze, Wolfgang Wohnkultur des 18. Jahrhunderts im Bergischen Land.
click to enlarge: Schwerdtfeger, Friedrich W. Traditional housing in African Cities. A comparative study of houses in Zaria, Ibadan, and Marrakech. 11974
Schwerdtfeger, Friedrich W.
Traditional housing in African Cities. A comparative study of houses in Zaria, Ibadan, and Marrakech.
Chichester / New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1982.
Boards with original dustwrappers, 25x17, xl / 480 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 145,-
Shapiro, Ann-Louise
Housing the Poor of Paris 1850 - 1902.
Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1985, first printing.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 24x16, 224 pp, illustrated.
€ 75,-
click to enlarge: Shapiro, Ann-Louise Housing the Poor of Paris 1850 - 1902.
Habitats, constructions traditionnelles et marginales. (the french edition of 'Shelter').
Paris, Ed Alternative et Paralleles, 1977.
Original printed wrappers (slightly damaged), 30x22, 223 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 50,-
Ein Unternehmen baut.. Bauen und Gestalten der Siemens - Schuckertwerke AG in Erlangen.
Berlin - Erlangen, Siemens, n.d.
Original cloth (foxed), 27x23, 91 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Siemens Ein Unternehmen baut.. Bauen und Gestalten der Siemens - Schuckertwerke AG in Erlangen.
click to enlarge: Singelenberg, P. Het Rietveld Schröder Huis vijftig Jaar. Betekenis, aankoop, restauratie en toekomst, The Rietveld Schröder House celebrates its 50th anniversary. Its significance, the purchase, the restoration, its future. 7555
Singelenberg, P.
Het Rietveld Schröder Huis vijftig Jaar. Betekenis, aankoop, restauratie en toekomst, The Rietveld Schröder House celebrates its 50th anniversary. Its significance, the purchase, the restoration, its future.
Utrecht, Stichting Rietveld Schröder Huis, 1974.
Paper envelope, 31x21, (9 loose sheets), illustrated.
€ 30,-
Siraa, H. T.
Een miljoen nieuwe woningen. De rol van de overheid bij wederopbouw, volkshuisvesting, bouwnijverheid en ruimtelijke ordening (1940 - 1983).
's-Gravenhage, SDU Uitgeverij, 1989.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 25x18, 248 pp, illustrated.
€ 65,-
click to enlarge: Siraa, H. T. Een miljoen nieuwe woningen. De rol van de overheid bij wederopbouw, volkshuisvesting, bouwnijverheid en ruimtelijke ordening (1940 - 1983).
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