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all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified.....more
click to enlarge: Cornelissen, Hans (editor) Denk - Beelden van het Wonen. 10140
Cornelissen, Hans (editor)
Denk - Beelden van het Wonen.
Delft, Publicatiebureau faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft, 1996.
Original printed wrappers, 27x21, 189 pp, illustrated.
€ 75,-
Corti, Tina / Gramaccioni, Elena / editors
I segni dell'habitat. The signs of Habitat: technology and design of Italy. Die Zeichen des Habitat: Technologie und Design aus Italien.
Roma, Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero / Electa, exhibition book.
Original printed boards, 32x22, 102 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 110,-
click to enlarge: Corti, Tina / Gramaccioni, Elena / editors I segni dell'habitat. The signs of Habitat: technology and design of Italy. Die Zeichen des Habitat: Technologie und Design aus Italien.
click to enlarge: Crocker, Alan E. module and metric. the theory and practice of dimensional co-ordination in metric. 10080
Crocker, Alan E.
module and metric. the theory and practice of dimensional co-ordination in metric.
London, Pall Mall Press Limited, 1971.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 135 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Cruickshank, Dan / Burton, Neil
Life in the Georgian City.
London, Viking, 1990.
Boards wtih original dustwrappers, 26x20, xv / 288 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
click to enlarge: Cruickshank, Dan / Burton, Neil Life in the Georgian City.
click to enlarge: Cruyningen, Piet van / et al (editors) Het Boerderijenboek. 4023
Cruyningen, Piet van / et al (editors)
Het Boerderijenboek.
Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers/SHBO, 2003.
Original printed boards, 17x13, 448 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Culot, Maurice / et al
Cités - Jardins 1920 - 1940 en Belgique.
Bruxelles, Archives d'Architecture Moderne, 1994, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 19x19, 109 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
click to enlarge: Culot, Maurice / et  al Cités - Jardins 1920 - 1940 en Belgique.
click to enlarge: Curl, James Stevens European cities and society : a study of the influence of political climate on town design. 11202
Curl, James Stevens
European cities and society : a study of the influence of political climate on town design.
London, Leonard Hill Books, 1970.
Original boards, 23x15, 190 pp, illustrated.
€ 75,-
Curtis, G. C. S. (introduction)
A design guide for Residential Areas.
N.p., County Council of Essex, 1975, (1973 first edition).
Clothbacked printed boards, 31x21, 134 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
click to enlarge: Curtis, G. C. S. (introduction) A design guide for Residential Areas.
click to enlarge: Cutler, Laurence Stephen / Cutler, Sherrie Stephens Handbook of Housing Systems for designers and developers. 10091
Cutler, Laurence Stephen / Cutler, Sherrie Stephens
Handbook of Housing Systems for designers and developers.
New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1974.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 23x29, 234 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Dal Co, Francesco
Abitare nel Moderno.
Roma, Gius. Laterza & Figli Spa, 1982, prima edizione, series: biblioteca di cultura moderna, 860.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 22x14, 193 pp, illustrated.
€ 55,-
click to enlarge: Dal Co, Francesco Abitare nel Moderno.
click to enlarge: Dam, Frank van / et al Landelijk wonen. 5842
Dam, Frank van / et al
Landelijk wonen.
Rotterdam, NAI Uitgevers, 2003.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x18, 165 pp, illustrated.
€ 45,-
Das, Otto / Salomons, Izak / et al (editors)
Woning en woonomgeving. Voordrachtenreeks prof. J.B. Bakema.
Delft, T. H. Delft - afdeling Bouwkunde, 1977, lectures.
Original wrappers (unsewn), 21x30, 214 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 95,-
click to enlarge: Das, Otto / Salomons, Izak / et al (editors) Woning en woonomgeving. Voordrachtenreeks prof. J.B. Bakema.
Debaigts, Jacques
Swimming Pools.
Rutland/Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1973.
Boards with original dustwrappers, 27x28, 159 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Deilmann, Harald / Kirschenmann, Jörg C. / Pfeiffer, Herbert
Wohnungsbau - The Dwelling - L'habitat. (german, english and french text)
Stuttgart, Karl Krämer Verlag, 1980, 3. Auiflage (1977), series: Dokumente der modernen Architektur, 8.
Original printed boards, 28x23, 176 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 100,-
click to enlarge: Deilmann, Harald / Kirschenmann, Jörg C. / Pfeiffer, Herbert Wohnungsbau - The Dwelling - L'habitat.
click to enlarge: Delevoy, R.L. / Culot, M. / Gierst, M. L. H. de Koninck architecte. 8772
Delevoy, R.L. / Culot, M. / Gierst, M.
L. H. de Koninck architecte. (french and english text)
Bruxelles, Editions des Archives d'Architecture Moderne, 1980.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 21x19, 371 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 120,-
Denys, L. (coordibation)
Antwerpen 1830 - 1980: tentoonstellingscatalogus.
Antwerpen, Stad Antwerpen, 1980, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 25x21, 187 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
click to enlarge: Denys, L. (coordibation) Antwerpen 1830 - 1980: tentoonstellingscatalogus.
click to enlarge: Development Popular Housing Co. Housing Problems in Egypt. 5642
Development Popular Housing Co.
Housing Problems in Egypt.
Cairo, The Ministry of Municipalities & Rural Affairs, 1955.
Original printed wrappers, 17x25, (32) pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
Die offentlichen Bausparkassen
Wie Bauen? 52 zeitgemäsze Eigenheime.
Stuttgart, Karl Krämer Verlag, 1950, series: Wie Bauen - Wie Wohnen, Heft 1.
Original printed wrappers, 20x15, 82 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-
click to enlarge: Die offentlichen Bausparkassen Wie Bauen? 52 zeitgemäsze Eigenheime.
click to enlarge: Diemer - Lindeboom, F. T. / Doorn, J. A. A. van Prae-adviezen voor het Congres over Sociale Samenhangen in Nieuwe Stadswijken, gehouden op 17 december 1955 te Amsterdam. 4090
Diemer - Lindeboom, F. T. / Doorn, J. A. A. van
Prae-adviezen voor het Congres over Sociale Samenhangen in Nieuwe Stadswijken, gehouden op 17 december 1955 te Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Inst v Sociaal Onderzoek van het Nederlandse Volk, 1955.
Original wrappers (slightly soiled), 24x16, 99 pp (underlinings).
€ 20,-
Dienst van Vokshuisvesting Rotterdam
Rotterdam zijn woningen vroeger en nu.
Rotterdam, Dienst van Vokshuisvesting, 1950.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 22x21, (48) pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
click to enlarge: Dienst van Vokshuisvesting Rotterdam Rotterdam zijn woningen vroeger en nu.
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