Hofmann, Hans (exhibition committee)
Switzerland. Planning and Building Exhibition. (rare).
London, Royal Institute of British Architects, 1946, exhibition catalogue. Original printed wrappers (slightly discoloured), 22x15, 84 textpp/52 photoplates.
€ 65,-
Hofstee, E. W.
Rural life and rural welfare iin the Netherlands.
The Hague, Government Printing and Publishing Office, 1957. Original cloth, 29x22, 364 pp, illustrated.
€ 70,-
Holliday, C. (architect)
The new town of Stevenage. An illustrated account of the planning and building of a new community of 60,000 people.
Stevenage, The Stevenage Development Corporation, 1950, 2nd edition (1949). Boards with original printed dustwrappers (damaged), 25x19, 52 pp, illustrated.
€ 70,-
Holliday, John
City Centre Redevelopment. A study of British city centre planning and case studies of five English city centres: Birmingham - Coventry - Liverpool - Leicester - Newcastle upon Tyne.
London, Charles Knight & Co, Ltd., 1973. Cloth with original dustwrappers, 28x19, 244 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
Holman, Theodor / Smit, Ludger / Visser, Hripsimé
Museumplein (werk in uitvoering / work in progress). (texts in dutch & english).
Rotterdam, NAI Uitgevers / Publishers, 1999. Original printed stiff wrappers, 22x20, 68 pp, profusely illustrated, photography by: Swart, Siebe.
€ 30,-
Hoogdalem, H. van / et al (editors)
Tussen pen en potlood. Over ontwerp en onderzoek van de omgeving.
Delft, Delftse Universitaire Pers, 1986. Original printed stiff wrappers, 25x17, 131 pp, illustrated.
€ 25,-
Hoogenberk, Egbert J.
Het Idee van de Hollandse Stad. Stedebouw in Nederland 1900 -1930 met de internationale voorgeschiedenis.
Delft, DUP, 1980. Original wrappers (unsewn), 24x17, 247 pp, illustrated.
€ 30,-
Hooimeijer, Fransje / Meyer, Han / Nienhuis, Arjen (editors)
Atlas of Dutch water cities.
Amsterdam, SUN Publishers, 2005. Original printed stiff wrappers, 29x25, 220 pp / 1 folded calendarium, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
Horrevoets, M.S.G.
Micrometamorphose, samenvatting. Aspecten van de verstedelijking in een deel van de noordelijke randstadvleugel in de periode 1960 - 1975.
Delft, Planologisch Studiecentrum TNO, 1979. Original printed stiff wrappers, 27x20, 86 pp/ (ca 18) pp, illustrated.
€ 20,-
Houben, Francine / Calabrese, Luisa Maria
Mobility. A Room with A View.
Rotterdam, NAI Uitgevers / Publishers, 2003, series: International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam. Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x17, 447 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 300,-
Hübotter, Peter / Nagel, Günter
1. Landesausstellung Natur im Städtebau Munster 1988.
Hannover, Der Niedersächsische Sozialminister, 1988, exhibition catalogue. Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 21x23, 85 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Hughes, Michael R.
The Letters of Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn. A transatlantic dialogue 1938-170.
Bath, Adams & Dart, 1971. Cloth with original dustwrappers, 24x17, x / 493 pp.
€ 55,-
Hulten, Michel van (preface)
Citizen & City in the Year 2000. European Cultural Foundation.
Deventer, Kluwer, 1971. Original printed wrappers (slightly discoloured), 24x14, 254 pp.
€ 60,-
Ibelings, Hans
Nederlandse Stedenbouw van de 20ste eeuw.
Rotterdam, NAI Uitgevers, 1999. Original printed stiff wrappers, 28x22, 175 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
International Congress 1975: Papers and Proceedings, volume 2. Integrated Planning and Plan Implementation in Urban Areas. (english, french and german texts).
Amsterdam, International Federation for Housing and Planning, 1975, congress papers. Original stiff plastic wrappers, 24x18, 612 pp, illustrated.
€ 70,-
Ikezawa, Hiroshi (editor)
The Mediterranean Resorts: Method of Environmetal Preservation and Development.
Tokyo, Process Architecture Publishing Co. Ltd., 1990, series: Process Architecture, nr 88. Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x23, 152 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Interbau - Abteilung "Die Stadt von morgen".
Die Stadt Von Morgen. (Dieses Heft ist eine knappe Zusammenfassung der Ausstellungsabteilung "Die Stadt von morgen" der Interbau Berlin 1957. Es soll die Nichtfachleute über den notwendigen Umbau und die Erneuerung unserer Städte unterrichten.)
Berlin, Interbau GMBH, 1957. Original printed wrappers (slightly soiled), 21x13, (ca 60) pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Jacobs, Roel
Brussel. De geschiedenis in de stad.
Brugge, Uitgeverij Marc van der Wiele, 1994. Boards with original dustwrappers, 32x25, 167 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
Jaeggi, Annemarie / Wolsdorff, Christian (editors)
Siedlungen der zwanziger Jahre - heute. Vier Berliner Groszsiedlungen 1924-1984.
Berlin, Publica Verlagsgesellschaft, 1984, exhibition catalogue. Boards with original dustwrappers (slightly damaged), 30x25, 240 pp, illustrated.
€ 250,-
Janssens, Adeline M.
Landschap in Utrecht. Tentoonstelling ter gelegenheid van het 75-jarig bestaan van Staatsbosbeheer (typography by Anthon Beeke).
Utrecht, Centraal Museum Utrecht, 1974, exhibition catalogue. Original printed stiff wrappers, 31x24, 48 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-