Baljon, Lodewijk / Visser, Marc A.
BUITEN - gewone steden: parade van 20 Vinex - locaties.
Rotterdam, Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur, n.d. (ca 1998). Original spiral binding, 30x21, 100 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Ballon, Hillary
The Paris of Henri IV. Architecture and Urbanism.
New York, The MIT Press, 1991. Cloth with original dustwrappers, 26x19, 378 pp, illustrated.
€ 95,-
Bandholtz, Thomas / Kühn, Lotte / Albers, Gerd (Vorwort)
Erich Kühn - Stadt und Natur. Vorträge, Aufsätze, Dokumente 1932 - 1981. (mit einem Beitrag von F. K. Meurer und H. Kummer).
Hamburg, Hans Christians Verlag, 1984. Original printed stiff wrappers, 27x24, 337 pp, illustrated.
€ 145,-
Bandini, Francesco (editor)
Progetti per l'area direzionale di Firenze. Concorso nazionale per la progettazione planivolumetrica di un'area direzionale situata sul territorio florentino all'interno dell'Area Centrale Metropolitana.
Firenze, Centro Di, 1978, exhibition catalogue, series: Centro Di cat., 98. Original printed stiff wrappers (top right front wrapper wrinkled), 28x27, unpaged (ca 300 pp), profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
Bardeschi, Marco Dezzi / Masini, Lara Vinca / editors
Prima Triennale Itinerante d'Architettura Italiana Contemporanea (Abruzzini, Achillini, Brigidini, Canella, Aua, Bassi, Benedetti, Castiglioni, Cresti, Dardi, De Luca, Derossi, De Sanctis, Dezzi et al)
Firenze, Edizioni Centro Proposte, 1965. Orginal printed stiff wrappers (slightly discoloured/used), 21x21, XXI / 401 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 150,-
Bardet, Gaston
Mission de l'urbanisme.
Paris, Les Éditions Ouvrières, 1949. Boards (original wrappers pasted in), 19x15, 587 pp (discoloured), illustrated.
€ 120,-
Barker, Felix / Hyde, Ralph
London. As it might have been. (about rejected projects and abandonned designs)
London, John Murray, 1982. Cloth with original dustwrappers, 27x21, 223 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
Baudrillard, Jean / et al
De Stad. Special of the literary magazine 'Raster, tijdschrift in boekvorm'.
Amsterdam, De Bezige Bij, 1979. Original printed wrappers (slightly damaged), 24x18, 152 pp, illustrated.
€ 20,-
Baumeisters Redaktion
Städtische Zentren.
München, Verlag Georg D.W. Callwey, 1973, series: Baumeister Querschnitte, 13. Original printed boards, 29x23, 102 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Bax, M.F.T.
Meten met twee maten. De ontwikkeling van een maatstelsel als kader voor en besluitvormingsproces op het gebied van ruimtelijk ordenen. The development of a structural sytem of measuring as a framework for a decision-making process in the field of spatial organisation.
Eindhoven, Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven, 1976, thesis. Original wrappers, 20x14, 290 pp, illustrated.
€ 40,-
Bax, M.F.Th.
3 x 3 = 9, ieder zingt zijn eigen lied. Keuzevrijheid als beginsel van Ruimtelijk Ordenen. Rede.
Eindhoven, TH Eindhoven, 1977, thesis. Original printed stiff wrappers (small sticker on spine), 24x16, 26 pp.
€ 45,-
Bekaert, Geert (editor / advisor) / et al
Hoog Kortrijk. (contributions by: Beel & Partners, Rem Koolhaas, Bernardo Secchi, bOb Van Reeth. program: meervoudige stedebouwkundige opdracht, concours urbanistique multiple, multiple urban development commission).
Kortrijk, Interkommunale Leiedal, 1990, exhibition catalogue. Original printed boards (slightly worn), 25x35, 72 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 125,-
Bekaert, Geert / Reijndorp, Arnold / Verstegen, Ton (editor)
Verkenningen in de ruimte: vijf beschouwingen over Stad Beeld Eindhoven. (contributions by: A. Hofstee, Ton Verstegen, Geert Bekaert, Arnold Reijndorp, Joost Meeuwissen, Gijs Wallis de Vries, Harm Tilman).
Eindhoven, Gemeente Eindhoven, 1991. Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x20, 70 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Bel, Joaquin Sabaté / Galindo, Julian
De kwaliteiten van de Westelijke Tuinsteden. The Qualities of the Western Garden Cities.
Amsterdam, Amsterdamse Raad voor de Stadsontwikkeling, 2000, series: Series 2000, nr. 20. Spirally bound stiff wrappers, 26x23, 54 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-
Belfiore, Pasquale / Gravagnuolo, Benedetto
Napoli. Architettura e urbanistica del Novecento.
Roma, Editori Laterza, 1994. Original printed wrappers (slightly damaged), 24x17, 380 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 95,-
Bell, Colin & Rose
City Fathers. Town Planning in Britain from Roman Times to 1900.
New York, Frederick A. Praeger, 1969. Cloth with original dustwrappers (seriously damaged), 26x24, 216 pp, illustrated.
€ 35,-
Benevolo, Leonardo
The origins of modern town planning.
Cambridge, The M.I.T. Press, 1975, (1963). Original printed stiff wrappers (unsewn), 20x13, 154 ill textpp, 16 photoplates.
€ 35,-
Benevolo, Leonardo
The European City.
Oxford, Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1993, series: The Making of Europe. Boards with original dustwrappers, 24x16, 243 pp, illustrated.
€ 65,-
Berens, Hetty / Camp, D'Laine
DWL - terrein Rotterdam. Van waterfabriek tot woonwijk.
Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 1991. Cloth with original dustwrappers, 30x22, 112 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Berg, Max van den / Struben, Hein / Meyer, Evert Jan
Amsterdam, planning and implementation, participation between public and private sectior. IsoCarp Case-study for the Berlin congress.
Amsterdam, ISoCaRP, 1985. Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 30x21, (13) pp, illustrated.
€ 25,-