Clark, Peter / Slack, Paul
English Towns in Transition 1500 - 1700.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1979, (1976). Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 20x13, 176 pp, illustrated.
€ 25,-
Clarke, Graham
The American City: Literary and Cultural Perspectives.
New York, St. Martin's Press, 1988, first published in the USA. Cloth with original dustwrappers, 23x15, 223 pp.
€ 40,-
Clelland, Doug (guest editor)
Berlin. An Architectural History.
London, Architectural Design, 1983, series: Architectural Design Profile, 50. Original printed wrappers (slightly worn), 28x23, 88 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
Colenbrander, Bernard / MUST
Limes Atlas. (summary in english and german)
Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 2005. Original printed cloth, 29x25, 208 pp, profusely illustrated, photography by: bennie17042012.
€ 85,-
Collomb, Francisque (avant-propos)
Cité Internationale de Lyon. Quai Achille Lignon. (entries by renzo piano, richard plottier, charles lambert, michel macary,gérard thurnauer, jean-paul viguier).
Lyon, Communauté Urbaine de Lyon, 1986, exhibition catalogue. Original printed wrappers, 30x21, 23 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-
Constandse, A. K. / Galantay, E. Y. / Ohba, T. (editors)
New towns world-wide.
The Hague, International Federation for Housing and Planning / Working Party New Towns, 1985. Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 24x17, 462 pp (unsewn. slightly frayed), illustrated.
€ 125,-
Conzen, Michael P. (editor)
Geographical Excursions in the Chicago Region. Together with a Geographical Bibliography on Metropolitan Chicago. (on the Occasion of the Ninety-First Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers....).
Chicago, Association of American Geographers, 1995. Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 29x22, 219 pp, illustrated.
€ 70,-
Cook, Peter (editor)
Archigram Eight.
London, Archigram, 1968. Printed paper envelope (slightly damaged), 16x26, 19 (doublefold) loose sheets, profusely illustrated.
€ 575,-
Corboz, André (Herausgeber)
Die Stadt mit Eigenschaften. Eine Hommage an Paul Hofer. (Beiträgen von: Aldo Rossi, Leonardo Benevolo, Adolf Max Vogt et al).
Zürich, gta Verlag, 1991, ex library copy. Stamped boards with original dustwrappers, 22x22, 149 pp, illustrated.
€ 85,-
Cortie, C.
De Dynamiek van Stedelijke Systemen. Veranderingen in functies en welvaart van steden in de Verenigde Staten en de Europese Gemeenschap.
Assen, Van Gorcum, 1991. Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x16, 142 pp, illustrated.
€ 35,-
Cousin, Jean
L'espace vivant : introduction à l'espace architectural premier.
Paris, Éditions du Moniteur, 1980, series: Architecture " Études ". Original printed stiff wrappers, 26x19, 236 pp, illustrated.
€ 120,-
Cox, Harvey
The Secular City. Secularization and Urbanization in theological Perspective.
London, SCM Press Ltd., 1965, first published. Boards with original dustwrappers (slightly damaged), 19x13, 276 pp.
€ 55,-
Croix, Horst de la
Military Considerations in City Plannng: Fortifications.
New York, George Braziller, 1972, series: Planning and Cities. Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x17, 128 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 50,-
Cros, Susanna (coordination)
the metapolis dictionary of advanced architecture.city, technology and society in the information age. (with an introduction by Vincent Scully).
Barcelona, ACTAR, 1966, 1. Original printed stiff plastic wrappers, 21x16, 135 p, profusely illustrated.
€ 225,-
Crosby, Theo
Architecture: City Sense.
London, Studio Vista, 1969, reprinted (1965). Original printed stiff wrappers, 20x17, 95 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
Crouch, Dora P. / Garr, Daniel J. / Mundigo, Axel I.
Spanish City Planning in North America.
Cambridge, The MIT Press, 1982. Original boards, 24x16, 298 pp, illustrated.
€ 85,-
Culemann, Carl
Funktion und Form in der Stadtgestaltung.
Bremen-Horn, Walter Dorn Verlag, 1956, series: Schriften der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landespl., Band 31. Original printed wrappers, 24x17, 69 pp, illustrated.
€ 60,-
Culot, Maurice / et al
Cités - Jardins 1920 - 1940 en Belgique.
Bruxelles, Archives d'Architecture Moderne, 1994, exhibition catalogue. Original printed stiff wrappers, 19x19, 109 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
Culot, Maurice / et al
Le bateau d'Elie. Contributions aux luttes urbaines et projets opportunistes la Cambre 1971 - 1975.
Bruxelles, Editions des Archives de l'Architecture Moderne, 1975. Original printed stiff wrappers (worn), 21x19, 83 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
Curdes, Gerhard
Stadtstruktur und Stadtgestaltung.
Stuttgart / Berlin / Köln, W. Kohlhammer, 1993. Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 241 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 135,-