Dreysse, D.W.
May - Siedlungen. Architekturführer durch acht Siedlungen des neuen Frankfurt 1926 - 1930.
Frankfurt am Main, Verlag Dieter Fricke, 1988. Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 44 pp, 8 foldout plates, illustrated.
€ 85,-
Kassák, Lajos / Farkas, Molnár
MA Aktivista Folyóirat. A ma legszebb cimlapjai 1922 - 1925. Reprint of MA - covers designed by Lajos Kassák, Molnár Farkas et al. ( MA's finest front pages 1922 - 1925). Folded leaf containing text in Hungarian by Lajos Kassak: a tisztaság könyvéböl - the beauty of the book. Portfolio (cover original serigraph by Lajos Kassák) containing 8 original serigraphs
N.p., Pesti Mühely, 1980, limited edition of 250 copies, this nr 32/250. Original printed paper portfolio (slightly worn), 31x30, 1 folded leaf, 9 original serigraphs (including cover portfolio).
€ 500,-
McCarty, Cara / McQuaid, Matilda
Structure and surface : Contemporary Japanese Textiles. ( Exhibition held at MOMA, Nov. 12, 1998-Jan. 26, 1999 and the Saint Louis Art Museum, June 18-Aug. 15, 1999. )
New York, Museum of Modern Art / Abrams, 1999. Original decorated cloth, 31x24, 104 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Moeller, Werner / Neumuellers, Marie / (editors)
Mart Stam. (Texte von Prof. Dr. Rolf Kuhn, Kirsten Baumann, Werner Möller, Hiltrud Ebert und Marie Neumüllers. Erschienen zur Ausstellung in Dessau vom 25. Januar bis 22. März 1998).
Dessau, Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau, 1998, series: bauhaus themen, 1. Original printed stiff wrappers, 26x19, 31 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Ragon, Michel / et al
Cimaise. art et architecture actuels. present day art and architecture. Numéro spécial BAUHAUS. (Text in French and English).
Paris, 1969, series: CImaise, 16e année, 91 / 92. Original printed stiff wrappers, 27x21, 117 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-